Join us as we explore methods of considerate and effective estate planning – Genus Portfolio Manager Grant Conroy and Heritage Trust’s Nicole Garton join us to help uncover effective methods for smooth family wealth transitions. We’ll explore such topics as:
- Practical guidance on organizing your estate records for your family
- Digital assets – extra considerations for the reality we now live in
- Preparing the family as well as preparing the assets
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Grant Conroy
Gestionnaire de portefeuille / Partenaire
Genus Capital Management
En tant que gestionnaire de portefeuille, je travaille avec des institutions, des particuliers et des familles.
J'ai commencé ma carrière en 1996 en couvrant certains des plus grands gestionnaires d'actifs au monde. Je poursuis ce parcours sur les marchés et cherche à apporter une valeur ajoutée sur une base plus personnelle.
En tant que conseillère qualifiée en matière d'entreprises familiales, je suis versée dans les complexités qui peuvent découler d'un patrimoine familial. Cela peut aller de la préparation et de l'éducation de la prochaine génération à la communication des intentions en matière d'héritage, en passant par la protection de l'unité familiale.
Mes propres valeurs sont l'égalité, l'apprentissage et l'intégrité.
En dehors de mon travail, je suis le principal raconteur de blagues de papa dans notre foyer et je siège à deux conseils d'administration d'organisations à but non lucratif.
Nicole Garton
Lawyer & President
Heritage Trust
As the principal of Heritage Law, Nicole Garton, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., C.Med, FEA, TEP is a lawyer, mediator and parenting coordinator practising in the areas of wills and estates and family law. As President of Heritage Trust, Nicole offers fiduciary, escrow and multi-family office services on behalf of individuals, families, business owners, trusts and estates.
Nicole is the Past Chair of the Canadian Bar Association Wills and Trusts Subsection (Vancouver). Nicole is a member the Society of Estate and Trust Practitioners (STEP), the Estate Planning Council of BC, the BC Collaborative Roster Society, the Civil and Family Rosters of Mediate BC and the BC Parenting Coordinator Roster Society. Nicole is a Chartered Mediator and certified by Family Mediation Canada as a Comprehensive Family Mediator. Nicole is a certified Family Enterprise Advisor.
Nicole received a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia and was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 2001. Nicole completed a Master of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School in Alternative Dispute Resolution in 2019, with a focus on dispute prevention and management for family businesses. Nicole co-founded and co-leads the MotherBoard Society and the North Shore Pro Bono Society.