
Celebrating 35 Years of Investing Impact

They say the key to success in investing is time in the market, and Genus has certainly put in the time. This year marks our 35th anniversary since our founding in 1989, and we’re celebrating the way we always do: by continuing to make a positive impact for our clients – and for the planet.

Of course our success formula is about much more than just time and experience. It also includes our incredible people, our ability to innovate and our dedication to our clients. “We’ve made a real difference by working with clients to achieve their financial and values-based goals through education, collaboration and communication,” says Sue-May Talbot, Portfolio Manager/Partner, who, as employee number one at Genus, has been with us for more than 30 years and has seen us through many transformations.

Through it all, what has kept us centered amidst all of the technology and regulatory changes, the globalization of capital markets, and the shifts in values, demographics and investing priorities, she says, is “being a client advocate and creating products, services and efficiencies to improve the overall client experience.”

One of the leaders in sustainable investing

When Wayne Wachell and Leslie Cliff came together to found Genus in 1989, the world was a different place. Sustainable investing was in its infancy, and the concept of ESG investing was still 15 years from being popularized. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established that same year, but much of the public debate still centred on the possible causes of climate change, as opposed to solutions.

In the decades since, we really have come a long way. Climate change mitigation efforts have advanced, and so, too, have opportunities for investors to direct their funds into portfolios that not only support these efforts, but that aim to not sacrifice financial returns to do so. “When I joined Genus, the sustainability piece had just been launched and was a harder sell for most clients,” says Mary Lou Miles, Portfolio Manager/Partner, who has been working with Genus for 20 years. “Now with demographics changing, clients are demanding that more of their values be reflected in their portfolios.” 

Sustainable investing has become one of our core areas of expertise, because it’s something our clients have told us is important to them. And we’re thrilled to see how much it’s grown around the world. “Sustainable investing globally has grown substantially over the past seven years, and it has been great seeing Genus as one of the leaders moving it forward,” says Mike Thiessen, Chief Sustainability Officer and Co-Chief Investment Officer. “In the grand scheme, I see us being a force in moving assets away from destructive industries and toward innovative, sustainable and positive sectors.”

That’s why we’ve expanded our offerings when it comes to responsible investments, so that we can meet our clients wherever they are along the spectre de l'investissement d'impact. “Most financial institutions and firms now offer some type of ESG fund, so there are more competitors in the space, and more reason to continue to innovate and push the bar with our product offerings,” says Thomas Irwin, Client Relationship Manager/Partner. “For us, sustainability has been our focus for many years, and we continue to innovate and find better ways of doing things and new funds, setting the bar higher. The Fonds d'obligations à impact mondial, Impact Investment Counsel and Net Impact ScoreTM are all ways we’ve shown leadership and continue to advance and break new ground.”

Values and impact focused

Of course it’s not just sustainability that is valued by our clients, it’s also global impact. That’s why we’ve aligned our investment portfolios with seven of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ranging from gender equality to responsible consumption and production. 

The introduction of our innovative Net Impact Score in 2020 allowed us to go even further in creating – and measuring – global impact with our investments, and to provide our clients with a holistic perspective on their portfolio — and its net-positive impact on the world.

We also do our best to walk our talk, particularly when it comes to gender equality. We not only invest in companies that support this goal, but from day one, we have hired and supported women in rising to senior leadership positions within the company. Today we boast 50% women on staff, and we exceed industry averages with 67% female executives and 44% female shareholders. “I appreciate the opportunity to have a voice as an employee, partner and with the leadership team to ensure clients are well served,” says Miles. “The team is respected and supported, and I have unlimited opportunities to learn and grow.”

We also engage with the companies we invest in by exercising our shareholder voice to keep them accountable to their impact targets. To that end, we work with PARTAGER, Canada’s leading shareholder engagement program, to ensure active engagement with our portfolio holdings.

Partnerships with like-minded organizations have played a critical role in engaging with impact and responsible investors in a variety of domains, and our growing community of impact investors has thrived thanks to partners like the Social Venture Institute, SVX et Spring Impact Capital.

Finally, we’re so proud that our impact-focused journey led us to our B Corp certification in 2017. Becoming a B Corp really crystalized for us the value and importance of upholding and truly living the investment principles we espouse to our clients. In fact, in 2022, Genus was named one of B Labs’ Best for the World in the Customers category. And as of our last certification in 2021, we achieved the highest B Corp ranking in Canada among investment advisor firms. We’re currently in the process of recertifying again, and aiming to achieve an even higher score.

Embracing innovation

As with any industry, wealth management has evolved significantly in the last 35 years. And Genus has evolved with it, guided by our clients’ needs and goals. “Technology has enabled the industry to have better, faster data,” says co-founder and Chair of Board, Leslie Cliff. “Clients have more information at their fingertips, so we have added more value via high-touch client service and enabling clients to have their values reflected in their portfolios.”

We’ve embraced the use of quantitative technologies to analyze the vast amount of information required to assemble and continuously rebalance our portfolios. “In the last seven years, I’ve seen the success that comes from being adaptable as a company to changing investment landscapes,” says Ian Lusher, Portfolio Manager. “I don’t know how a firm can adapt quickly without using quant factors in their investment process.”

We’ve also introduced numerous screens to enable our clients to filter out harmful industry sectors and corporate practices, or to emphasize positive impact. 

And, like nearly every other industry, we’re now in the throes of exploring the impact of AI, and how best to put it to work for our clients without compromising on the human touch that allows us to deliver the personalized client service we’re known for. “We’re working on finding efficiencies and increasing productivity through streamlining processes and workflows in order to add value,” says Batool Tejani, our Head of Client Services, who adds that the “opportunity to innovate and be consistently challenged” has kept her thriving in her role over the past four years.

Community and family-mindedness

But possibly the best part of our work is when we get to come together as a team to support one another. Genus truly is a family company, where long-time team members mentor and support new hires in achieving their goals. 

We all come together to contribute to our communities through regular volunteer opportunities, and encourage everyone to live out their values. “My favorite memories are when we get together as a team to contribute to our communities, such as our recent beach cleanup with our client SeaSmart School Society,” says Chief Growth Officer/Partner, Shannon Ward. “These events give us a chance to connect with each other, have a good time and have a positive impact on our communities.”

It all comes down to the way we want to make an impact. “Knowing our work is centered around the values of our staff and our clients is huge to me,” says Marketing Lead Graham Farmer. “I always want to be able to make change with my work, and with Genus I feel like we constantly see new examples of the change being made.” 

Whether we’re mentoring our team member’s children as they take on internship positions, or simply celebrating a big, new client, we’re all dedicated to supporting one another in every undertaking. “I appreciate watching staff learn and improve and become really outstanding professionals,” says Cliff. “It makes me very proud.” 

And Wachell agrees. “The feeling of success and celebrating with team members after winning a big mandate – nothing beats that. It’s high fives all the way around.”

Vous souhaitez avoir un impact sur votre portefeuille d'investissement ? Commencez dès aujourd'hui avec notre services de gestion de patrimoine numérique et personnel.


Références :

  1. Byrne, D. (2023) What is the history of ESG?, The Corporate Governance Institute. Available at:,to%20embrace%20ESG%20long%2Dterm. (Accessed: 06 August 2024).

Client impact

"Passer d'une grande banque à Genus a été l'une des meilleures décisions financières que nous ayons jamais prises. Genus a assuré une croissance fiable des actifs malgré notre tolérance modérée au risque. Alors que notre sécurité financière s'est accrue, nous avons également bénéficié d'une excellente expérience client. Les communications de la société ont toujours été transparentes et informatives, y compris les webinaires éducatifs et un portail Web bien conçu où nous pouvons suivre nos investissements quotidiennement. Le plus important pour nous est que notre gestionnaire de portefeuille a toujours répondu rapidement et de manière exhaustive à nos questions et à nos demandes. "
Martin T.
"Ayant des objectifs et des besoins financiers relativement divers, ainsi qu'une légère réticence à l'égard du marché boursier, Genus a habilement répondu à toutes nos préoccupations et a mis au point un plan vraiment exceptionnel : Des fonds sans combustibles fossiles et un portefeuille d'investissement diversifié, oui ; un portefeuille d'investissement à impact efficace qui coïncide avec nos espoirs et nos rêves d'un monde meilleur, oui ; des conseils et une assistance professionnels pour créer un fonds de bienfaisance conseillé par le donateur avec des reçus de bienfaisance immédiats à des fins fiscales, oui. Les résultats ? Bien au-delà de nos espérances ! Nous nous sommes même amusés en cours de route et nous avons certainement profité d'un incroyable départ de deux ans pour ce qui sera une relation satisfaisante à long terme avec Genus.
Marc B.
"J'aime le service que je reçois chez Genus.
Chris H.
"Leslie et moi étions membres du même conseil d'administration lorsque nous nous sommes rencontrés il y a vingt ans. Au cours des dix dernières années, elle a réfléchi à l'élaboration d'une stratégie d'investissement pour ma famille et l'a mise en œuvre comme prévu. L'équipe de Genus a répondu à mes attentes et c'est un plaisir de traiter avec elle".
Bob Q.
"Pendant plus de 15 ans, j'ai assuré la sélection et l'évaluation des performances de plusieurs gestionnaires d'investissement pour un important family office. Leslie et Genus ont joué un rôle fondamental dans ma fonction. J'ai toujours trouvé que Leslie et ses collègues étaient perspicaces et proactifs, et que la performance de leur part du portefeuille était bien supérieure aux indices de référence. Et c'est un grand plaisir de travailler avec eux".
Douglas H.
"Genus est une société très innovante. Je suis heureux d'investir dans leurs stratégies Fossil Free et Impact qui m'aident à investir en accord avec mes valeurs."
Marnie C.
"Excellente équipe de professionnels. Site web et rapports excellents. Répond rapidement aux demandes de renseignements. Je suis également très satisfait du processus de changement d'une autre société à Genus. Bravo !".
David L.
"Genus fournit toujours une bonne image, clairement expliquée et complète de la situation économique et financière générale, ainsi qu'un excellent compte-rendu des décisions d'investissement prises en fonction de cette situation. L'intérêt tout aussi marqué de Genus pour les questions et les demandes d'informations complémentaires de ses clients est également un élément très important du service qu'il fournit".
Allan S.
"En 1992, lorsque je me suis retrouvé à cinquante ans avec une somme d'argent importante à investir, je ne savais qu'une chose : je ne voulais pas contribuer aux compagnies de tabac, aux fabricants d'armes ou aux compagnies pétrolières. Mais au cours des années qui ont suivi, les options d'investissement socialement responsable sont devenues beaucoup plus sophistiquées et je suis très heureux que cela fasse partie intégrante de l'approche de Genus. J'apprécie également beaucoup la relation à long terme avec ma gestionnaire de portefeuille, Mary Lou.
Ann P.

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