Join us for an insightful webinar on the fundamentals of bonds, with a special focus on sustainable bonds and their growing importance in today’s market. Sebastien Rheaume, Managing Director at AlphaFixe Capital and Ian Lusher, our Portfolio Manager & Partner will outline the fundamentals of bonds, market trends, investment strategies, and what the future holds for the bond market.
Ian Lusher
Gestionnaire de portefeuille, partenaire
Genus Capital Management
Je suis gestionnaire de portefeuille et planificateur financier, spécialisé dans les services aux particuliers, aux familles, aux sociétés de portefeuille et aux fondations en créant des portefeuilles d'investissement personnalisés.
En dehors du travail, j'aime être actif. Que ce soit à la salle de sport, au golf ou à vélo, vous me trouverez probablement en mouvement. Je suis un fervent supporter des Canucks et je ne manque jamais une course de F1. Ma femme et moi adorons voyager. Je suis également une fontaine de connaissances inutiles, ce qui me rend utile pour les soirées trivia.
Sébastien Rhéaume
Directeur général
AlphaFixe Capital Inc.
As one of the founding partners of AlphaFixe, Sébastien is responsible of portfolio management and strategy development as well as being involved in customer service. Before founding AlphaFixe Capital, he served as Vice President, Corporate Bonds at Addenda Capital. In addition, he worked at CDP Capital Communications as Director, Telecommunication investments after working in the areas of mergers and acquisitions and audit. Chartered Accountant (CA) and CFA charterholder, Sébastien has a degree in Public Accountancy from McGill University where he also completed his Bachelor of Commerce.