Are you concerned about your loved ones or someone you know becoming a victim of financial abuse or neglect? These situations are uncomfortable to deal with but we must know what to look for and what resources are available in order to help.
Below are resources shared in this webinar.
Slides & Resources
Kathleen Cunningham
Independent consultant /
Former Executive Director
BC Law Institute/Canadian Centre for Elder Law
Kathleen served as Executive Director of the BC Law Institute (BCLI) and the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) from 2015-2020. Over her career she has led the delivery of education, legal support, and risk management at a major Canadian trust company, and assisted the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC with the implementation of personal planning and guardianship legislation, as well as projects addressing financial abuse of vulnerable adults. Kathleen was a member of two BC Law Institute Committees – Modernization of the Trustee Act, and Undue Influence Recognition and Prevention: A Guide for Legal Practitioners (1st and 2nd editions).
Darryl Brown
Head of Eastern Canada / Associate Client Relationship Manager
Genus Capital Management
Genus Capital Management
As the Head of Eastern Canada, my role is to empower clients and support them in making financial decisions that support the life they want to live. I’m passionate about financial literacy and ensuring people feel included and confident when talking about money.
I want everyone to understand Investing in ways that make sense to them and respect their personal values. When not at work, I love exploring Toronto’s parks, music and food scene with my partner and our two kids who bring us an incredible amount of joy.